Worth Reading

My Course Website by Helen DeWaard
This website was created by my professor at Lakehead University and it provides a wealth of knowledge relating to digital technology and learning! It has weekly lessons about course concepts as well as tutorials for learning. There are many helpful links and resources that I will no doubt refer to in the future. It has been my organizational hub for this course and I invite you to browse through the site to further your own thinking about digital technology and education!

The Teacher Under The Stairs by Marissa Pinto
This blog is one of my classmates who is also an aspiring teacher! We are learning together about the use of digital media in the classroom. I particularly enjoyed her post on digital storytelling and how it can be incorporated in the classroom to facilitate a higher level of learning. I encourage you to check it out!

Cold Calls to Collaborations by Melissa Lavoie
This blog post is a great example of a teacher who has applied the SAMR model within the classroom to inspire learning and encourage collaboration. Her students utilized digital technology to learn about the Amazon River and the outcome was very inspiring!

Five Flames 4 Learning by Helen DeWaard
This is one of the many blogs that my professor has! I particularly enjoyed this blog because it has a focus on education and learning as well as the reoccurring theme of keeping that spark alive! She has lit a flame within me during this course to participate in digital spaces and now it's up to me to continue to spread that knowledge to others. It is written in a way that demands attention from its reader and the information provokes deeper thought on content and theory. 

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