Wednesday 28 September 2016

THINK before you post!


Todays class was all about awareness! The internet has become an integral part of everyday life but more often than not, we take it for granted and we abuse our privileges. The feeling of being an anonymous resident is what urges people to write whatever they want without any consideration. The problem is that once you've posted something on the internet you've left your digital imprint and no matter how many times you hit delete it will forever be in the cloud.

Okay, so it's not all doom and gloom - the positive is that we have an opportunity to teach kids about how to become a good digital citizen and what that actually means.

The picture to your left shows what the internet means to me and my life as a digital citizen!

Being a good digital citizen refers to being respectful and responsible when using the internet.  It should be at the forefront of our minds when participating on any form of digital platform. Similar to how we are all citizens of the world and we treat others with respect, we are all digital citizens of the internet the minute we sign in. Many of the qualities that represent a good citizen can also be applied to being a good digital citizen. For example,  a good citizen would not damage or steal another persons property and yet, plagiarism continues to be a grand issue that is mentioned in every class. There is no difference between being a good citizen vs. being a good digital citizen!

I believe that part of our jobs as teachers is to teach students about the importance of being a digital citizen so that they can better understand how to use the internet in a safe, positive, and productive way. What are some ways that you practice being a good digital citizen? 

Below I have created my own image of some questions to THINK about before posting online.

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