Wednesday 16 November 2016

Providing Effective Feedback

Peer Review

Today our class completed a peer review on each others blogs! I was definitely self conscious about the idea of having my peers critique my blog however, my mind went back to our very first day when our teacher said "this class is going to push you out of your comfort zone" and with that thought lingering in the back of my head, I found two students that I had not yet met and opened myself up to the opportunity to learn!

The overall experience was very helpful! My peers provided me with constructive advice about what to include on my blog and at the same time I was able to find inspiration on their blogs. The process provides students with an opportunity to learn from one another and share different ideas to improve their work. To be honest, I think there was more pressure to provide effective feedback than to have my own blog reviewed. Our course website offered many tips for ensuring effective feedback which was helpful for me to use as a guide when going through the blogs.

Not only do I plan to use this activity in the classroom for my students success but I can also see the benefit of doing a peer review as a professional. For example, I may be required to write report cards for my students and I will want to ensure that they are grammatically correct without any spelling errors. I'm glad that I opened myself up to this activity and I now realize the importance of doing a peer review! 

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