Wednesday 9 November 2016

What's your Personal Learning Environment?


A PLE is a professional learning environment is a process of identifying big ideas and how to connect the tools and resources you use on a daily basis. Today our class created a model of our own personal learning environments using Mindomo showing the tools and resources that we use for our teaching and learning.

At the beginning of our course we were asked to write our names on a card and include all the digital spaces that we are apart of. I remember feeling as though I did not have nearly enough icons on my card but by the end of class I was overwhelmed with information overload.

I started thinking about how often I rely on the use of technology without even noticing how many different tools I use. Looking back I realize that this activity would have been a thousand times easier had I kept an organized list of tools. A mind map is a great way to categorize tools and resources and have them readily available when you need them.

Although my mind map is relatively small right now, I intend to use this as a working document and add information as I develop in my teaching career. I believe this will be a helpful resource in itself to keep track of my own learning tools. What does your personal learning environment look like and how can you utilize it to improve your teaching?

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